📅Monday, June 5, 20:00 Baronial Hangout(online): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87584704678… Passcode: 408721
💻 This drop in / leave when you want zoom is a casual hangout with members of the Barony and friends. It happens every Monday and all are welcome! No garb required – come as you are!
Monday, June 5, 18:30-20:00 Archery Practice: Quidersbach near Kaiserslautern
🏹 We have loaner gear. Please contact Chris on Facebook – or better – Jamil on WhatsApp to be added to the archery announcement group +49 15152807888
Wednesday, June 7: Drei Eichen fighter practice in Krefeld
⚔️This local fighter practice happens weekly, giving fighters a chance to improve skills. Newcomers welcome! Please reach out to Björn Holger Moser for more information.
Thursday, June 8 at 19:00: Meadowmarsh fighter practice in Worrstadt
⚔️ This local fighter practice happens weekly, giving fighters a chance to improve skills. Newcomers welcome and loaner armor is available. Please reach out to Sascha Bohlender for more information.
Saturday, June 10: Bärenau Summer Social in Berlin
Picnic in the park! Bring some food to share. There will be armoured combat, games and A&S discussions.
Sunday, June 11: Turmstadt Picnic and Practice in Fürth
Picnic in the park! Bring A&S projects! Bring armour! Bring food! Bring something to sit on!
June 14-18th: Drachenwald’s 30th Year Anniversary Celebration and Coronation
🤴👸🎪⚔️🧵Good gentles of Drachenwald and beyond, the Shire of Polderslot is pleased to announce that Drachenwald’s 30th Year Anniversary Celebration and Coronation will take place at Kasteel de Berckt in Baarlo, Limburg, The Netherlands
June 29: Turmstadt Medieval Crafting Night in Nürnberg
Bring a project to work on or just come hang out!
July 9: Turmstadt Picnic and Practice in Fürth
Picnic in the park! Bring A&S projects! Bring armour! Bring food! Bring something to sit on!
July 26-30th: Red and Gold by Meadowmarsh (Hanau, DE)
🎪⚔️🧵 https://www.facebook.com/events/524660452930202
Court Day and Alarde of the Barony of Knights Crossing
„Red and Gold“ – the colours of the Barony of Knights Crossing – are the motto under which the Canton of MeadowMarsh invites you to a memorable event:
The venerable Baron and Baroness of the ancient Barony of Knights Crossing are pleased to host a court day from the 26th day of the month of July until the 30est day of that month.
Sept 15-17: Challenges of the West by Drei Eichen (Neunkirchen-Seelscheid, Germany)
⚔️🎲Challenges of the West IV is an Event hosted by the Canton of Drei Eichen and the Shire of Roterde in the lovely lands of the most ancient Barony of Knights Crossing.
In our beloved realms we would like to gather all citizens and nobles for joy, laughter, games, contests, lectures and trials of strength
We will have a schedule of gaming, heavy fighting and if possible archery, classes and everything else we love in our society, checkout the schedule or get in touch with the event steward.
⚠️These weekly announcements are sent out by the Social Media Officer, Eira Halladottir (Terri Bauer). If you need anything added to the announcement, please don’t hesitate to contact me!