Liebes Knight’s Crossing! Wir erhielten eine Einladung der Laurels Drachenwalds, welche ihr unten lesen könnt (Englisch):
Dear Knight’s Crossing! We got an invitation from the Laurels of Drachenwald which can be found below:

Greetings Knight’s Crossing!

We have just had an excellent evening of Arts and Sciences at the

Laurel Sponsored Prize Display, and are feeling inspired! Therefore

the Laurels of Drachenwald wish to make it known we have set up an

Arts Challenge for anyone who wishes to take part – starting June 19

and ending at the end of October 2021.

Each Challenge is set by one of our members and are unique – you may

take up one or more at your pleasure, and we will make ourselves

available to answer questions or help you with tips and tricks or how

to find sources throughout the time the challenge runs.

Read all about it (external)

Any questions may be directed to me, Lia de Thornegge, or the email

listed on the website:

We will have a first Q&A session on June 30th and regularly until the

challenge finishes if anyone wants more information about the format,

or any particular challenge. To get exact dates and times keep an eye

on the website, or follow the instagram account (external)

/Lia de Thornegge, OL